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From Survival Strategy to Success Strategy

Effective Planning - Flawless Execution

My corporate communications colleagues tell me their leadership teams are thinking and acting more strategically, looking externally more. Many have moved beyond the survival strategy of reacting in real-time, adjusting as the pandemic surged and new or revised guidance prompted still more changes. Most of my colleagues are saying “it’s time to refocus all of the reactive time and energy to proactive thought, effective planning and flawless execution.”

Important, But Not Urgent

For the past year or so, “the strategy was to kill the closest snake; it was urgent and important. Now, we are working on the important, but not urgent.”

  • What is the right strategy for my organization in a world changed forever by the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • How does my organization take advantage of the new opportunities in a post-pandemic world and economy?
  • What do we need to do and say to instill confidence in the workplace?
  • When and how do we bring people together to collaborate, to live out our values and strengthen our culture?
  • How have my customers been affected?
  • What can we do to better serve our customers?
  • Where are the new customers?
  • How will new customers be different, or the same, than my current customers?
  • What are new ways to reach and engage with our customers based on what we’ve learned over the past 12 to 18 months?

The answers to these questions and more require enlightened thinking, market intelligence and disciplined decision making.

Strategic Communications

The ultimate success of these business decisions is directly related to effective strategic communications, with both internal and external stakeholders. Clear, compelling communication ensures everyone understands the “why” of the strategy decisions and “how” their daily work contributes to the overall big picture.

Strategic Business Objectives

With an eye to the future and success:

  • What are the key decisions you’re facing in the next 12 to 18 months?
  • What information about your competitors and the marketplace do you need to make better, more informed decisions?
  • How can you affect what people think, feel, day and do when it comes to your brand, trusting your people and processes, as well as buying and recommending your products to others?
  • What are the right words, images, colors and sounds to best communicate about your company in ways that inform, engage, persuade and prompt the right actions by employees, customers, public officials, investors?

Third-Party Insights

It’s always useful to find third-party insights into the marketplace, your competitors, employees, customers and other key stakeholders.  These outside perspectives also help you drive persuasive message strategies that resonate with the right people at the right time through the right channels.

At Michael Best Strategies, our team is grounded in a culture that is inquisitive, proactive and street-smart. We meet our deadlines, and we keep our promises. That’s our bottom line.

Jeffrey J. Remsik
Principal and Senior Advisor – Strategic Communications
T 414.270.2736 | M 414.239.5243 | bio