The immensely popular and profitable version of tetrahydrocannibinol known as delta-8 continues to catch the attention of state governments, where Texas regulators are the latest state to add delta-8 THC to its list of schedule I narcotics. Delta-8 was arguably legalized on a federal level by the 2018 Farm Bill so long as the product is derived from hemp, not marijuana. However, the 2018 Farm Bill only created a floor for the regulation of hemp, and states are within their authority to regulate hemp more strictly than the federal government. So while delta-8 might be federally legal, Texas now joins a growing list of states who have singled out the chemical compound and classified it as a controlled substance. This change increases the risk for brick and mortar as well as e-commerce retailers who sell delta-8 products in Texas.

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Delta 8 THC Prohibition Spreads
Three years after federal legislation removed the marijuana extract known as delta-8 THC from the nation's list of controlled substances, Texas health officials have put it on its own list of illegal drugs, sending a shockwave through the growing CBD retail industry across the state and making the substance, essentially, illegal.
On May 17, Colorado’s governor signed the groundbreaking Consumer Protections for Artificial Intelligence Act. The Act regulates...