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Eat Your Vegetables: FDA's Releases Draft Guidance on Dietary Guidance Statements on Food Labels

Last week FDA released a draft guidance document that provides food manufacturers with FDA's recommendations on how and when to use Dietary Guidance Statements on the label of food products. Examples of a Dietary Guidance Statement are: “Make half your grains whole grain,” and “Eat leafy green vegetables as part of a nutritious dietary patten.” These statements, which can include symbols, pictures or text, serve as quick signals on food packages to consumers. According to the FDA, this guidance will ensure label statements promote good nutrition, provide greater consistency in labeling, and assist consumers in making informed choices.  

A Dietary Guidance Statement is not a nutrient content claim, nor a health claim. While some foods may be eligible to bear both a "healthy" implied nutrient content claim and a Dairy Guidance Statement - that will not always be permissible. For example, FDA suggests that whole fruits and vegetable may qualify for both while certain whole grain snacks and flavored yogurt may be eligible for a Dietary Guidance Statement but not the "healthy" implied nutrient content claim. FDA also advises that Dietary Guidance Statements should not be used on product labeling for dietary supplements. 

If you are considering adding a Dietary Guidance Statement to your product's food packaging, be sure the statement is truthful and not misleading, and is supported by a consensus report (defined in the FDA guidance). FDA is accepting comments on the draft guidance until June 26, 2023.

Dietary Guidance Statements are statements in food labeling which are based on key recommendations from consensus reports, such as the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025, that discuss how a food or food group can be a part of a nutritious dietary pattern. The statements may include symbols or pictures that convey to consumers that a food or a food group may contribute to, or help maintain, a nutritious dietary pattern.

