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Defense Verdict in Take-Home Asbestos Exposure Case in Utah

After an 11-day trial, a jury returned a defense verdict yesterday afternoon in the Larry Boynton matter brought by the Nemeroff firm. Mr. Boynton alleged his wife was exposed to asbestos from his work clothes during his career as an electrician, including when he worked at Kennecott Copper for 3 years and at Utah Power & Light for 3 months. With regard to Kennecott, the jury found his wife breathed asbestos fibers from his work there but that the company was not negligent. With regard to UP&L, the jury found his wife did not breathe asbestos fibers originating from its site.  This marks only the second case which has gone to verdict in Utah, the first back in 2010.


product liability, asbestos, premises owners, litigation