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Expect these food and beverage trends to compete for your attention in 2025.

I read articles about industry “trends” with skepticism. Because I aways ask myself whether what is being written about is actually a trend or is just something that is important to the author – and whether s/he is trying to make it into a trend. 

But the article that prompted this posting is different. I found it interesting because it identifies competing trends and asks which will prevail in 2025. The competing trends are: (1) body positivity vs. weight loss; (2) luxury foods vs. rustic/comfort foods; (3) plant-based vs. animal-based diets; and (4) limited edition vs. nostalgia. 

Personally, I think competing trends (1) and (3) will be in a battle royale in 2025. I see the body positivity movement fading over time as weight loss drugs become more available and accepted in the consumer marketplace. I have no idea whether plant or animal-based eating will be claiming victory by the end of the year. Indeed, there very well may be room in the market for both of those competing trends.

Are there competing trends that you think this article missed and if so, which one do you think will prevail in 2025?    

[T]rends are becoming increasingly powerful in the world of food and beverage. But what happens when trends begin to compete with one another? Will one emerge victorious, or is there room in the market for both?


food and beverage, trends, competition, agribusiness, regulatory, agriculture, food & beverage