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Domestic Fluid Milk Gains First in 15 Years and Cheese Exports Bounce in 2024

There are some positive signs from 2024 for the dairy industry moving forward, although headwinds are ever-present, particularly as trade uncertainties prevail for the moment. The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) released its Dairy Market Report today and, although mixed, it is mostly good news for the nation's dairy industry. 

For the first time in 15 years, domestic fluid milk sales rose (albeit only slightly) in 2024. That is a very good sign for what has been a declining domestic market demand for fluid. Cheese exports remained strong as the international demand for protein and high-quality American cheese continued to buoy the industry. Nobody does it better when it comes to cheese than America's cheese manufacturers!

"Fluid milk sales in the United States showed their first year-over-year gain in 15 years during 2024, rising by 0.6% over 2023. 2024’s fourth quarter was a rather weak one for U.S. dairy exports, but cheese exports were a bright spot, reaching a new high for exports as a percentage of domestic production, at 7.9% for the entire year." ~ NMPF (2/20/25)


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