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USDA Announces 5-Step Plan to Respond to Avian Influenza

In just her second week on the job, recently confirmed USDA Secretary Brooke Rollins announced today a five-pronged strategy and a $1 Billion commitment aimed at responding to the occurrence of H5N1 in the poultry and dairy industries. Importantly, the plan includes $100 Million targeted toward new-generation vaccine development - something the industry has been actively advocating for. The plan includes a commitment to work closely with state agriculture department officials and veterinarians in both the poultry and dairy sectors “on vaccine and therapeutics strategy, logistics, and surveillance.”

"USDA will be hyper-focused on a targeted and thoughtful strategy for potential new generation vaccines, therapeutics, and other innovative solutions...along with increased bio-surveillance and other innovative solutions targeted at egg laying chickens in and around outbreaks. Up to a $100 million investment will be available for innovation in this area."


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