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USTR Releases Sec. 301 Report and Recs

Today, the office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) released the results of its Sec. 301tariff statutory review, detailing ongoing practices by China, including cyber-attacks and technology transfer and IP theft, that harm US and global economies.  The report (linked below) is worth a read in terms of understanding the scope of technology transfer undertaken (and ongoing) by the Chinese government. Additionally, the long-awaited report details recommended tariff adjustments to take effect 2024-26 on various sectors including EVs, EV batteries, critical minerals, semiconductors, steel and aluminum and medical supplies, to name a few.  The report also contains information on a recommended exclusion process for certain machinery used in domestic manufacturing.  Stay tuned for a Federal Register notice for the opportunity to comment on the recommendations.  For more information, reach out and I will connect you with a member of our Michael Best Trade Team. 

"...the section 301 tariffs have been an effective tool in changing some of China’s technology transfer-related acts, policies, and practices. However...China persists in efforts to transfer technology from U.S. companies and the burden of China’s technology transfer-related acts, policies, and practices on U.S. commerce has increased."


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