3/26/2025 8:00:34 PM FDA Announces Online Tool to Access Consolidated Contaminant List in Food By David Crass The day before the Senate confirmed this week's new FDA Chair, Dr. Marty Makary, the Agency released a searchable, online tool of a...
3/4/2025 7:51:13 PM SCOTUS Vacates "End-Result" Requirements from NPDES Permits By David Crass On March 4, 2025, the United States Supreme Court issued its decision (linked below) in the City and County of San Francisco v. EPA case...
5/29/2024 3:47:55 PM EPA Seeks Comment on Draft Environmental Justice Program Guidance By Todd Palmer The EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights (OEJECR) is asking for public feedback on its draft National Program...
5/14/2024 6:15:29 PM CDC PPE Recommendations for H5N1 By David Crass As confirmed by the Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recently updated its...
5/14/2024 5:40:13 PM USTR Releases Sec. 301 Report and Recs By David Crass Today, the office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) released the results of its Sec. 301tariff statutory review, detailing ongoing...
4/23/2024 7:36:40 PM PFAS CERCLA Designation -- What's Next By David Crass Last week, USEPA Administrator Regan signed the final rule designating PFOA, PFOS and their salts and structural isomers as hazardous...
4/4/2024 7:31:49 PM American Biogas Council Releases Draft Carbon Accounting Methodology By David Crass Congratulations to our friends at ECO Engineers who, on behalf of the American Biogas Council, released for public comment a draft Carbon...
3/29/2024 12:34:41 PM Congress Reauthorizing Price-Anderson Act is Vote of Confidence for Nuclear By David Crass Last week's activity in Congress to adopt spending packages for the remainder of 2024 included the extension of the Price-Anderson Act to...
3/28/2024 9:37:48 PM While SEC Passes on Scope 3, Agriculture Voluntary Carbon Markets Gain Traction By David Crass It has been a busy time in the carbon market space for the livestock and agriculture industries. Earlier this month, the SEC finalized...
3/5/2024 6:06:05 PM DC Circuit Vacates EPA's SIP Call on Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Emissions By Todd Palmer Mechanical things occasionally break and sometimes do not work as designed despite best a company's best efforts. This seemingly...
12/18/2023 5:50:52 PM Ever heard of a "climatarian"? Apparently, over half of consumers claim to be one. By Paul Benson I love my job because even after 30+ years of practice, I learn something new just about every day. Recently, I learned what a...
8/29/2023 6:56:32 PM No Funny Business: USEPA and Army Corps Rule Revision Conforms to Supreme Court's Sackett Decision By David Crass Today, USEPA and the Army Corps released revisions to its 2023 "Waters of the United States" (WOTUs) rule to conform it to the United...