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3 Critical Legal Tasks Your Growing Business Needs to Complete By Friday

As your business scales, certain legal frameworks that once served you well may now create unexpected vulnerabilities. Here are three critical areas that require immediate attention before the week  ends:

1. Fortify Your Contract Protection Framework

In today's volatile business landscape, the contracts that adequately protected your growing company last year may harbor significant gaps today. With expansion comes greater exposure.

What to do by Friday:

  • Review your highest-impact contracts, especially force majeure provisions
  • Identify outdated language that doesn't reflect current business realities
  • Flag contracts with insufficient protection against today's economic uncertainties
  • Prioritize revisions based on potential business impact

Companies that regularly review contract terms typically avoid the costly disputes that can derail growth trajectories. Even a single afternoon devoted to this review can reveal critical vulnerabilities.

2. Align Your Employee Handbook With Your Current Footprint

As your business expands across new markets and jurisdictions, yesterday's employee handbook may be creating compliance blind spots that expand with every new hire.

What to do by Friday:

  • Scan for discrepancies between your policies and state-specific requirements
  • Identify outdated policies that don't reflect your current workforce size or structure
  • Verify that your handbook addresses remote work realities
  • Flag policies that haven't been updated to reflect recent regulatory changes

The cost of non-compliance scales with your business. What might have been a minor issue when you were smaller could now represent significant exposure.

3. Reassess Your Banking Relationships and Financial Terms

Growing businesses often outpace their banking arrangements. Yesterday's financing terms may be constraining today's opportunities.

What to do by Friday:

  • Review current loan covenants against your projected growth
  • Identify financial terms that may limit strategic flexibility
  • Assess whether your banking relationship still matches your business scale
  • Note any terms that haven't been revisited since you were a smaller enterprise

The banking relationship that helped you reach your current size may not be optimized for your next growth phase. A timely review ensures your financial foundation keeps pace with your ambitions.

Taking decisive action on these three fronts before Friday won't just mitigate risk—it will position your business for more sustainable growth. While these reviews may feel like they can wait, experience shows that addressing them proactively avoids the costly firefighting that distracts from your core mission.

Your business has evolved. Make sure your legal framework has kept pace.


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