Today, USEPA announced the release of yet another tool in the Environmental Justice (EJ) toolbox, "ECHO Notify". ECHO Notify is an additional feature added to the preexisting USEPA ECHO database, which stands for "Enforcement and Compliance History Online". Users can sign up online for weekly notifications of enforcement activities USEPA takes in the geographic area of the user's choice. EPA has prepared a video overview and use instructions for the tool: ECHO Tutorial: Intro to ECHO Notify.
This tool advances the Biden Administration's EJ commitment -- stated to be its second most important environmental initiative (second only to climate change )-- and comes on the heels of the releases of EJ Screen ver. 2.0 and the White House CEQ's Climate and EJ screening tool. EJ activists and community leaders will no doubt take advantage of this additional tool to monitor environmental compliance and enforcement developments, making environmental compliance by industry more important to ensure now than ever.