10/2/2023 9:32:45 PM SEC Brings Further Actions for Violation of Whistleblower Protection Rule By Iqan Fadaei Betsy Voter Kevin Timken The SEC has brought charges against a private subsidiary of a publicly traded company for using an employee release agreement that...
8/29/2023 6:56:32 PM No Funny Business: USEPA and Army Corps Rule Revision Conforms to Supreme Court's Sackett Decision By David Crass Today, USEPA and the Army Corps released revisions to its 2023 "Waters of the United States" (WOTUs) rule to conform it to the United...
5/25/2023 6:15:46 PM SCOTUS Significantly Restricts EPA's Wetland Authority By Michael Best In a landmark decision issued today, the U.S. Supreme Court severally restricted EPA's authority under the Clean Water Act to regulate...
12/16/2022 3:00:01 PM Real Estate Tax Exemptions Should Be Front of Mind for Faith-Based Organizations as Year End Approaches By James Forrest Keith Richardson Generally speaking, owners of real property pay property taxes each year. However, most states recognize an exemption from property tax...
8/16/2022 9:52:48 PM Making Employees Feel Appreciated By Michael Best What do employees want from their employer? Sure, a decent paycheck, health insurance and vacation days are important. But the ABC...
4/11/2022 1:13:15 PM Biden Administration Doubles Down on Nutrient Reduction Strategies By David Crass Last week, USEPA HQ's Office of Water(OW) issued a vital policy memorandum signaling OW's ongoing commitment to national nutrient...
3/22/2022 6:19:37 PM Do I hear an ECHO? By David Crass Today, USEPA announced the release of yet another tool in the Environmental Justice (EJ) toolbox, "ECHO Notify". ECHO Notify is an...
3/10/2022 7:25:03 PM EJScreen Ver. 2.0 By David Crass The Biden Administration's focus on Environmental Justice (EJ) issues continues as two recent releases reveal. USEPA released an updated...
2/8/2022 4:35:14 PM Superfun? Not really! By David Crass The bipartisan infrastructure bill (Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Public Law 117-58, 135 Stat. 429 (November 15, 2021),...
12/15/2021 4:03:00 PM ARE YOU HUNTER OR PREY? Corporate Reputations Make a Difference By Michael Best Corporate image and reputation play major roles in what sells a company and its products—and at what prices. Whether a company is the...
12/9/2021 7:33:52 PM Woe to Us By David Crass On a day that will live in infamy for other reasons, USEPA and the Army Corps published its proposed rule turning back the clock on the...
11/17/2021 4:31:32 PM Elevate Your Brand in Today’s "Trust Gap" World: Public Relations Answers the Call By Michael Best First, the bad news: The Edelman Trust Barometer reports a continued general decline in how much people trust business, government,...