7/7/2022 8:12:49 PM Digital Assets Topic 1: The Regulatory Field Is Still Dangerous for Issuers/Promoters By Iqan Fadaei Betsy Voter Working with our clients over the last year, we're seeing many similar questions and issues arising in the digital assets space. This is...
1/18/2022 3:14:32 PM NFT Battle: Royale with Cheese = Quarter Pounder with Cheese? By Michael Best A dispute between Quintin Tarantino and movie studio Miramax is becoming more public as an auction to sell script pages and other...
4/15/2021 12:00:00 AM Grappling with NFTs By Jeffrey Peterson With news of Tom Brady launching his own NFT company, the NFT business is getting more public awareness. This is an excellent article on...
4/14/2021 5:11:27 AM Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) business will be booming in Japan? By Arimi Yamada GMO Internet Inc., a Japanese internet company founded in 1991, announced on April 9 that it will get into NFTs business. Unfortunately,...