6/30/2023 2:47:31 PM Proceed with Caution or You Just Might Inspire the Government to “March In” By Michael Best The use of federal funds for creating inventions is hardly a new phenomenon. In fact, this practice is so commonplace there are...
6/28/2023 10:41:51 PM Do food labels change consumer behavior? According to one study, mandatory GMO labels did not impact sales. By Paul Benson A number of years ago, there was a pitched legislative battle at the state and federal level over mandatory bioengineered (BE) food...
6/27/2023 8:54:49 PM Where is Leadership Development Headed? By Michael Best The current and future state of leadership development is front of mind for most employers, and if it isn't, it should be. Companies of...
6/21/2023 7:35:39 PM Generative AI And The Artist - How Will Copyright Law Keep Up? By Laura Lamansky Only humans can own a copyright. But when we have human-like technology creating art, does that change the analysis? What about the work...
6/21/2023 7:30:12 PM What to Expect this Year in Defense Debates By Lucia Alonzo Both the House and Senate Armed Services Committee this week will draft competing versions of the National Defense Authorization Act...
6/16/2023 5:06:15 PM Relators Beware: DOJ has Broad Dismissal Authority in False Claims Act Cases By Michael Best In an 8-1 decision released today, the U.S. Supreme Court held the federal government has the authority to dismiss a whistleblower False...
6/15/2023 3:21:28 PM Jack Daniels Fetch'd a Win in SCOTUS Dog Toy Case By Laura Lamansky Alcohol brand Jack Daniels won at the U.S. Supreme Court this summer against a dog toy manufacturer who created novelty dog toys similar...
6/15/2023 1:38:30 PM Artificial Intelligence: The New Frontier in National Security By Erik Berdy The other week I had the privilege of attending a panel-discussion event with Representative Mike Gallagher and former Google CEO Eric...
6/14/2023 11:00:43 PM Is sucralose unsafe? A study from North Carolina State University suggests the answer may be "yes." By Paul Benson I read an article recently from a scientist who, somewhat tongue-in-cheek, concluded that everything we humans are exposed to may cause...
6/12/2023 1:31:42 AM Health warnings and calorie content labelling will be mandatory in Ireland in 2026: will other countries follow suit? By Paul Benson A number of my Irish friends joke about the role of alcohol in Irish culture. Drinking to excess, and even passing out from drink, is...
6/9/2023 2:52:26 PM Is there a Doctor on the Farm? By David Crass Effective next week, and as reported in Dairy Herd Management, FDA's "Guidance for Industry #263" goes into effect. This will require...
6/9/2023 12:50:41 PM The Changing Landscape of Healthcare: Trends Impacting Managed Medicare and Post-Acute Care By Aaron Kessinger The healthcare industry is undergoing significant transformations, with various trends shaping the future of Medicare and post-acute...