10/25/2021 7:56:43 PM Delta 8 THC Prohibition Spreads By Michael Best The immensely popular and profitable version of tetrahydrocannibinol known as delta-8 continues to catch the attention of state...
10/25/2021 5:16:59 PM Competitive - Actionable Intelligence By Michael Best My corporate communications colleagues report their company's competitive environments are more crowded and dynamic than ever before....
10/17/2021 3:37:39 PM Wisconsin is one of four states entering mutual reliance agreements with FDA to enhance food safety. By Paul Benson Wisconsin, along with California, Florida, and Utah, entered into mutual reliance agreements with FDA last week. These agreements are...
10/10/2021 2:41:10 PM Did your company consent to being sued in a state when it registered to do business there? The caselaw split widens. By Paul Benson The SCOTUS has issued a number of recent decisions attempting to clarify the law in the area of personal jurisdiction. It has not,...
10/8/2021 3:52:54 PM Authentic Community Engagement By Michael Best Public decision making is typically the domain of interest groups or highly specialized experts. Usually, the most influential or...