4/30/2024 8:22:24 PM DEA Moves to Reclassify Marijuana as a Schedule III Drug By David DiGiacomo This Historic federal action would recognize medical benefits of cannabis, open the door for more research, and be a significant change...
4/30/2024 3:00:41 PM The father of nutrition labels is still going strong at 89. Thank you, Peter Barton Hutt. By Paul Benson Peter Barton Hutt's law firm, Covington & Burling, apparently threw him and some of his colleagues a retirement party 20 or so years ago....
4/23/2024 7:36:40 PM PFAS CERCLA Designation -- What's Next By David Crass Last week, USEPA Administrator Regan signed the final rule designating PFOA, PFOS and their salts and structural isomers as hazardous...
4/22/2024 7:29:04 PM In Top Gun Copyright Suit, Judge Sends Plaintiffs Back to Flight School By Paul Matenaer It’s no secret that Hollywood has become enamored with rebooting classics from the 80’s, using the same bankable leads and hoping to...
4/15/2024 2:07:34 PM Understanding Contract Disputes: Strategies for Businesses By Adam Witkov Navigating Common Contract Disputes Contract disputes among businesses arise from various circumstances, each presenting its own set of...
4/12/2024 9:19:22 PM Illinois Senate votes to rein in BIPA damages By James Fieweger On April 11, the Illinois Senate voted 49-13 to amend the state's Biometric Information Privacy Act, limiting the number of claims that...
4/12/2024 9:16:45 PM Coming Soon to an Employer Near You: AI-Driven Compensation Management By Carrie Byrnes Each year, Mercer issues a year-end executive incentive and benefits survey revealing insights gathered from a variety of U.S. public and...
4/10/2024 1:56:58 PM Recent SDNY Opinion Unmasks Plaintiff as Villain in His Own Batman Lawsuit and Offers Refresher in Copyright Basics By Paul Matenaer As the flurry of lawsuits concerning the clash of AI and copyright protection continue to grab headlines, a recent opinion from the...
4/8/2024 6:26:27 PM Pay Transparency is Knocking at Federal Contractor Doors - DoD, GSA, NASA and OFPP Issue Proposed Pay Equity and Transparency Rule By Farrah Rifelj The proposed federal regulation incorporates both prohibitions on seeking an applicant's compensation history and using voluntarily...
4/5/2024 8:14:13 PM FinCEN to Impose Broad AML Obligations on Investment Advisers By Iqan Fadaei For many years, key U.S. anti-money laundering laws (in particular, rules under the Bank Secrecy Act) have applied to financial...
4/5/2024 6:02:16 PM Another Opportunity to Shape Government AI Acquisitions By Michael Best On Monday, April 1, 2024, the Department of the Air Force posted a request for information (RFI) for its Advanced Battle Management...
4/4/2024 7:31:49 PM American Biogas Council Releases Draft Carbon Accounting Methodology By David Crass Congratulations to our friends at ECO Engineers who, on behalf of the American Biogas Council, released for public comment a draft Carbon...