3/8/2023 10:07:25 PM The FTC Weighs in on AI-focused Advertising By Laura Lamansky The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a post all about marketing artificial intelligence (AI) products. The FTC acknowledges that AI...
2/3/2023 7:34:02 PM When Is Using Another's Trademark Not Infringing? By Laura Lamansky Trademarks are the source identifiers that allow consumers to differentiate one good or service from another. For instance, a swoosh...
1/27/2023 5:45:50 PM Are Your Labels Misleading? Fireball Whisky is Under Fire for Confusing Labels By Laura Lamansky The maker of Fireball whisky is currently dealing with litigation stemming from confusing labels on its beverage packaging. The beverage...
6/29/2021 10:08:03 PM Are you reading this? SCOTUS to decide whether City of Austin's Billboard Rule is an unconstitutional content-based restriction under First Amendment By Michael Best If you are reading the words in this post, then you understand the driving issue at the heart of the Supreme Court's next First Amendment...