1/21/2025 9:46:26 PM Nobody seems to be happy with FDA's front-of-pack labelling proposal. Why? By Paul Benson I've done a lot of posting in the past about food and beverage labels. The upshot of my messages has generally been that nobody seems to...
5/23/2024 4:01:46 PM Would front of package food labels make you eat healthier? By Paul Benson In Mexico and other countries, stop-sign-shaped symbols appear on the front of certain food products to indicate these items contain high...
3/19/2024 3:17:51 PM Largest study on ultra-processed foods is "highly suggestive" and "suggestive" of multiple adverse health outcomes. By Paul Benson I've posted a lot about ultra-processed foods (UPF) because there is a plethora of articles in the popular literature about the...
3/11/2024 8:47:37 PM Nutrition labels on wine appears to be inevitable. Is that a good or a bad thing? By Paul Benson I think it is only a matter of time before American consumers see nutrition labels on wine. The European Union recently mandated it,...
6/14/2023 11:00:43 PM Is sucralose unsafe? A study from North Carolina State University suggests the answer may be "yes." By Paul Benson I read an article recently from a scientist who, somewhat tongue-in-cheek, concluded that everything we humans are exposed to may cause...
6/12/2023 1:31:42 AM Health warnings and calorie content labelling will be mandatory in Ireland in 2026: will other countries follow suit? By Paul Benson A number of my Irish friends joke about the role of alcohol in Irish culture. Drinking to excess, and even passing out from drink, is...
6/28/2021 1:46:40 PM Necessary step or unfair criticism: Nestle updates its nutrition and health strategy. By Paul Benson The world's largest food and beverage company has come under fire recently when an internal document came to light that acknowledged...
11/25/2020 12:00:00 AM The debate over carbs moves to a new battleground: the U.S. government's upcoming dietary guidelines. By Paul Benson The government is expected to finalize its new dietary guidelines in December. The current draft recommends Americans get roughly half...
11/17/2020 12:00:00 AM Germany's in on "nutri-score" labeling. Will other countries do so as well? By Paul Benson Labeling has been a dominant issue in the food and beverage space for decades. There are multiple ways to present information to...
11/3/2020 12:00:00 AM The "sunshine vitamin" and its role in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. By Paul Benson I wrote earlier about the role nutrition may play in the prevention of COVID-19. This is a hot topic not only as a matter of public...