6/5/2021 4:46:57 PM Japanese large corporations are seriously looking for investment opportunities in the US! By Arimi Yamada JETRO, a Japanese government supported organization, organizes a reverse pitch event on July 14 and 15 to attract US healthcare related...
6/4/2021 6:31:33 PM Japan is the Leading Foreign Investor in U.S. Manufacturing! By Arimi Yamada Mr. Ralph Inforzato, Chief Executive Director of JETRO Chicago, sent me the link of the video. This video shows strong relationship...
5/24/2021 11:39:10 PM Welcome to Virginia! By Arimi Yamada JETRO released a video to attract Japanese companies to expand their business in Virginia. JETRO is a Japanese non-profit organization...
5/2/2021 4:07:37 PM Rakuten doesn’t get it. What’s wrong about Chinese Investment? By Arimi Yamada It seems that Rakuten Group chief does not understand why US and Japanese governments closely watch Rakuten’s move, after Rakuten...
5/2/2021 2:31:43 PM New Tax Treatment of Carried Interest in Japan By Arimi Yamada The Japanese Financial Service Agency announced that so called Carried Interest, partnership profit distributions received by individual...
4/25/2021 9:57:15 PM Small Businesses should be protected from Amazon, Rakuten, Yahoo, Apple, and Google? By Arimi Yamada Transparency and Fairness of Digital Platforms Act (TFDPA) enacted in Japan is designed to prevent large digital platform providers from...
4/24/2021 5:51:24 AM Tencent Investment to Rakuten is National Security Threat? By Arimi Yamada After Rakuten’s announcement of issuance of new shares to Tencent group (Chinese company), many Japanese are wondering how it could...
4/16/2021 12:10:59 PM Japan Becomes A Global Financial Center in Asia? By Arimi Yamada Financial Services Agency in Japan (FSA) announced on April 16 that all registration processes of UK asset management company has been...
4/14/2021 5:11:27 AM Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) business will be booming in Japan? By Arimi Yamada GMO Internet Inc., a Japanese internet company founded in 1991, announced on April 9 that it will get into NFTs business. Unfortunately,...
4/14/2021 12:00:00 AM How to Establish a Subsidiary in Japan By Arimi Yamada Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) published a YouTube Video explaining “Steps to Establish a Subsidiary in Japan.” It requires...
4/11/2021 8:05:33 PM Security Token Offering (STO) becomes common in Japan? By Arimi Yamada Amendments to Japanese Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of 2019, which became effective on May 1, 2020, clarify that Security Token...
4/5/2021 12:00:00 AM Japan as an International Financial Center! By Arimi Yamada The Japanese government tries to attract investors thinking about leaving Hong Kong because of recent instability there. Financial...